Enjoy Progress, Success & Happiness 14 – focusing or multitasking?
von de | 25. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
Focus needs a lot of discipline in today's world. There is so much distraction everywhere today that very few people are able to really concentrate. Warren Buffet, one of today's most successful investors, recommends: "Say no to most things". I know this attitude from many of the multimillionaires I have met so far: most of the time they say: no. Because most things cost either money or time. And so you are occupied and occupied and can't take the next chance, which might have been the right...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 13 – Are you moving forward?
von de | 22. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
Many people have the mindset: "Here I am, here I stay, here I make myself comfortable". But life does not work like that. Everything is in constant motion, even the big mountains like Mauna Kea here. Life is constant change. Not only the earth outside is in constant motion - also in you, millions of cells die every minute, and millions of new cells are formed. When you think new things, new neural connections are formed in your head. What you can do to learn about this topic and how to create...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 12 – Readyness and willingness
von de | 19. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
…this is something that saves a lot of time and brings good emotions. If you are not willing, if you are not ready and defiant, it not only costs time, but also brings a lot of negative emotions. So what does readiness mean and what can you do to achieve more readiness? And what does willingness mean? "Willingness" is a rather suspicious quality for many people. Fears arise like: "who knows, am I giving something of myself now? Will I still be myself when I am willing?" I prefer the word...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 11 – The Ancestor to every action is your thought
von de | 15. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
We are talking here in this series about the power of thoughts and how they affect your life. Ralph Waldo Emerson from the 19th century, father of transcendentalism, once said: "Thought is the ancestor of your actions." In Talmut we already know this topic. The Talmuth tells us: "Pay attention to your thoughts, for they become words.Pay attention to your words, for they become deeds.Watch your deeds, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become your character."Watch your character...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 10 – The Power of Accurate Thinking
von de | 12. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
Today I would like to continue the topic of the last video. Last time we talked about how you create your reality with the power of your thoughts. This is the big difference between successful people and unsuccessful people: successful people know that they can do it and therefore they are successful. Unsuccessful people "know" that they cannot. And therefore it does not work. What do you "know" about yourself? How does this inner knowledge of yours create your reality? Step: Many people...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 09 – It always starts with you and it ends with you
von de | 9. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
It is about the fact that everything in your life begins and ends with you and with you. It's your life. No one else is responsible for your life. Your life is what you make of it. There are of course influences from outside. But even there you always have the choice how you react to them. How do you go through life? What are your choices? Which junctions do you take? How do you react to what you are told and to what happens to you? What do you allow and what do you allow yourself? From your...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 08 – Mini series on Achieving the Outcome, Getting Results 4/4
von de | 5. Juni 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
An important reason why many people never achieve their goals is because they are too stuck in the past. „Past is dust“ Many people always remember things from their past that didn't work. These experiences have settled in them, and so they have the feeling that "it didn't work then, so it won't work now". This is a serious mistake. Because just because it was like that once, it does not mean that it will be like that again. On the contrary: most likely it will work much better next time. For...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 07 – Mini series on Achieving the Outcome, Getting Results 3/4
von de | 30. Mai 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
„Everybody’s Business is Nobodys Business“ What does that mean? What everyone should do, nobody does in the end. Has that ever happened to you? Everybody knew it, but nobody did it… this often happens at team events: If there are no clear task descriptions and clear delegation in your team, your company or any other project - if there are no clear task descriptions and clear delegation, so that everybody knows exactly what he has to do, then things often remain undone. To avoid such a...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 06 – Mini series on Achieving the Outcome, Getting Results 2/4
von de | 25. Mai 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
If you are rich in the inner world, you also have the magnetic power and strength of character to attract wealth in the outer world. People who become rich only outwardly, without having the necessary inner strength, are often thrown off course. „When something is good, every body is good.When something is bad, every body is bad.“ In a team, for the team work to work well, every individual is needed. Often it is even enough if only one or two team members give up or are no longer interested in...
Enjoy progress, success & happiness 05 – Mini series on „Achieving the Outcome, Getting Results 1/4
von de | 20. Mai 2020 | Allgemein | 0 Kommentieren
First things first How do you achieve your results? Do you achieve your goals at all?I have learned a lot on my path with my yogi - mentor Sri Chinmoy over the years. One of the most important principles I would like to share with you here: "First things first".What is the most important thing in your life? When you look at your outer life, your material life - what do you want to achieve? What is your greatest goal? Make sure you do this one thing first every day. There's only one important...